37 Chevy Gasser - Hand Painted Artwork

Started by Bob S, Thu 07/07/16 01:06 PM

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Bob S

No thank you Ron, I'll sit this one out. I appreciate the offer though!


Hey If you want to do a proxy registration and enter one or two models I'll take them for you. But you will need to complete the online proxy registration by July 15.

Bob S

No Ron - take some pictures though - I'd like to see.


Bob, Are you going to the Nationals in Columbia SC?

Bob S

Hey Tony - Maybe I should practice my lettering some more before giving a presentation. The ball & chain and the hole in the wall came out better than the lettering...the lettering seems a bit juvenile to my eye -- but back in those days, it probably really was hand-painted right on the car.

Bob S

hey David - I'd love to build a tank -  mainly to practice my weathering techniques...but I always seem to snap the tracks when it's time to install around the drive wheels...I would need some tutoring.

Anthony Leger

Bob you are the man :) really nice build once again and sounds like you could train us on lettering techniques...



Very nice Bob. You have to build a tank!

David S

Bob S

Bill L.

Ryan K

I haven't heard of using dullcoat to lock pigments in. I use Tamiya thinner X-20 to do that. I small drop will do.

Bob S

Mucho Grassi, Ron - this was a fun one.....



Nice work, Bob! Love the hand-painted artwork.

Lee G.