Hey Folks What are you working on ?

Started by Anthony Leger, Wed 04/08/09 08:06 PM

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Ryan K

Trying to paint my Mi-17 and UH-72, when I am not screwing that up I am starting on a Jeep for our contest.


Same old stuff. Filling rivets on a Trumpeter F-100. Should have all that done in time for the 2011 contest. I've been test-fitting the engines on my Daco 737-200 conversion. I still have to backdate them by changine the pylons and then do some more filling and scribing on the rest of the model:


Anthony Leger

All the best with the search. Looks like a very interesting build. I have photoetch for an Arleigh Burke DDG except in 1/700 so I'll need some tips at some point on the best way to handle stuff like that.



Hi, Tony,
I'm working with the Dragon 1/350 USS Buchannan. It's a nice kit, well detailed. I'm really enjoying a lot with it. I'm superdetailing it with a few photoetch I bought apart.
The problem is the compressor... I have an airbrush, but even not a compressor, so, I have to wait to finish it. The first step is to look for a job! Modelling can wait for a while. In the meantime, I have a good time with all of you in the monthly meetings.

Anthony Leger

What is everyone building lets us know and post a picture if you want :) Click on the Additional Items part to see how to attach a picture...
