
ES Website Help

How can I post something

  • Creator

  • tlmodels

    We have multiple ways to post on the site which might be a bit confusing at first. Lets examine the types and this can be expanded on over time.

    There are “discussions groups” which are theme or areas of interest based and there are “Activity” posts where one can just post something that is top of mind for comment.

    The “Activity” post area is on the main page at the top where you can enter something top of mind or a quick update on something that doesnt fall into a discussion category. Any posts made will show in what is called a “feed” of postings whatever they are about. Members can then “Like” and or “Comment” on these postings

    Discussions groups are like we did when we used the ES-Forums of the past (where we had 9,597 Posts in 2,033 Topics by 49 Members). As people make posts in the discussion groups they too will show up in the feed you can scroll through. These group areas provides organization of the discussions. We can have as many as people in the club feel we need. For instance our “Group Build” discussion group is where you’d see postings on the build themes chosen. Members wanting to be part of that group build then make a post in that group regarding what they are making. They then would make progress posts along the way to completing their build for others to see. Other members can like or comment on those posts too. All posts have the ability to upload a pictures. These are automatically resized for faster display while keeping the original.

  • Thanks for all your work, Tony. It will take a bit of time to digest it, but looking forward to the new features and functionality.


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